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Sep '10

Yvonne Pisses Her Shorts

Yvonne headed down to the lake in her tight short green shorts and her cute green top. Her girlfriend had told her that she would set her up on a blind date and if she showed up over at the side of the lake by their favorite bench then she would make sure that she wasn’t disappointed. Yvonne had been running late though and instead of getting ready before she left she grabbed her makeup and did it on the way down to the lake. By the time she got there she was still running late though and realized that she had forgotten to take a piss before she left. By the time Yvonne realized that she hadn’t [peed|pissed]] it was too late.

Every single step she took shook her bladder and soon all she could think about was finding somewhere to take a piss. Realizing that there was no where nearby Yvonne couldn’t do a thing to stop herself and before she knew what to do she had started to piss in her shorts. A small wet spot started to grow bigger and wetter on her shorts and eventually her tight green shorts were absolutely covered in piss and clinging to her pussy!

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